The Office of Human Resources is sponsoring the following financial and retirement workshops.    We look forward to seeing you there.


Social Security 101, presented by Social Security.

To Register visit the OSU Professional Development website (

[Tip: To find the workshop, use the Course Listing search = “Employee Benefits”]

May 30, 2018 Social Security 101 – Everything You Wanted to Know

* When are you eligible to receive retirement benefits?
* How does early retirement affect your benefits?
* Do you qualify for disability, survivors, and spouse benefits?
* How do you get the most from your benefit?
* What is the future of Social Security?
* When should you file for Medicare?
Learn how to use my Social Security online account and other online services.

Option: You can go to to create a my Social Security account and print out your Social Security Statement before attending the workshop.

Three Sessions:

10am to 11:15am

Noon to 1:15 pm

2pm to 3:15pm

Pre-retirement Panel Discussion on the Non-financial Aspects of Retirement, OSU Retirement Association.

To Register visit the OSU Professional Development website (

[Tip: To find the workshop, use the Course Listing search = “Employee Benefits”]

May 31, 2018


Retirement:  Pre-retirement Panel Discussion on the Non-financial Aspects of Retirement. Workshop presented by OSURA (Oregon State University Retirement Association).  For Faculty and Staff that are within 1-3 years of retirement.  Retirement is a major life transition and requires planning for other than just financial matters.  Discussion will explore these areas and illustrate some aspects of the physical, psychological, and social dimensions of retirement. Dr Karen Hooker will provide an introductory presentation followed by a panel of 4 retired faculty/staff from OSU. 3pm-5pm MU206
PERS Workshops: To Register visit the OSU Professional Development website (

[Tip: To find the workshop, use the Course Listing search = “Employee Benefits”]

Spring 2018

Throughout the State

PERS offers workshops throughout the State, to register for a workshop in your area please select the appropriate Workshop for your below:  

·       Tier 1 & Tier 2 members PERS Educational Workshops

·       OPSRP members PERS Educational Workshops


Or, visit the PERS website at: , In the RESOURSES – Education Sessions Section, select either Tier 1/2 or OPSRP. 

May 23, 2018



PERS:  Retirement Readiness for PERS Tier 1 & Tier 2 members (previously 1-Year to Retirement for Tier 1/2 Members). For PERS Tier 1 & 2 members that will be retiring in less than 3 years.  Topics will include the IAP, Online Member Services, retirement eligibility, calculating retirement benefit, review of benefit estimate and retirement options. 11am-1pm  MU 208
May 23, 2018


PERS:  All About OPSRP.  An overview of the PERS OPSRP pension program including membership, benefit, retirement eligibility, Online Member Services, OPSRP benefit estimates, retirement process, and the Individual Account Program (IAP).

This workshop is for PERS OPSRP members and employees currently serving their 6-month waiting period.  An OPSRP member is an employee that established membership in the PERS OPSRP pension program after August 2003. 

8:30am-10am MU 208
Financial Workshops, online.
For all employeespresented by Fidelity


Fidelity will be offering On-demand webinars on a variety of topics by the end of October. Workshops will be on the Fidelity’s Oregon Public Universities website.  Click on the tab titled  “Workshops” On-demand  
For all employeespresented by TIAA TIAA provides articles, tools, and videos to help you prepare for retirement.  Visit the TIAA Oregon Public Universities website On-demand  
TIAA:  1-to-1 Financial Consultations.  To Register, call 800.732.8353 or schedule online at
June 5, 6, 7, 2018 Visit TIAA at: for more information or call 800.732.8353 Varies MU105
FIDELITY:  1-to-1 Financial Consultations.  To Register, go to the Fidelity web site.
May 31, 2018

June 1, 6, 12, 2018

Visit the Fidelity website at: Varies Varies


Employee Benefits Workshop website:


If you have any questions, please contact Employee Benefits at 541.737.2805 or by email


Employee Benefits | Office of Human Resources |

Oregon State University | Direct: 541.737.2805 | Fax: 541.737.0553 |

Location:  204 Kerr Admin Bldg | Mailing: 122 Kerr Admin Bldg | Corvallis, OR 97331-2132 | Go Beavs!


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