Dear Colleagues,

There are several updates from the Career Development Center. We are thrilled to partner with you on students’ career success.

Student Drop-In Appointments

The Career Development Center offers 15-minute drop-in appointments for students seeking career assistance Monday – Friday, 9 A.M. – 4 P.M., in-person at our location in Kerr:

The Career Development Center

A110 Kerr Administration Building (the former campus tours office)

Please note that drop-ins are available when classes are in session; furthermore, there are no drop-ins on the day of the career fair (4/25).

Spring 2018 Career Events for Students

The Career Development Center now hosts consistent workshops on a variety of professional development topics for all students each term. Encouraging attendance is a fantastic way to help develop your students’ professional skills; please see the list of workshop topics and dates below.

Spring Professionalism Series Events

All events take place 12-1p.m. in the SEC Involvement Lounge unless otherwise noted.

Please encourage your students to attend these workshops covering various aspects of the career development process; click on each link for more information.



To download Professional Series screens, posters, and other assets, please click here.

Career Expo Events

It’s almost time for winter term’s Career Expo. This is an entire week of events for students to develop their professional skills, culminating in a career fair where students will get to interact with employers who want to hire OSU students.

The entire OSU community is invited to attend the career fair; please take this opportunity to chat with employers who may be hiring your students, and of course, we welcome anyone who would like to volunteer.

Please encourage your students to volunteer for this event; benefits include volunteer experience (which is great on a resume!) and face time with employers. Interested volunteers can sign up here for various shifts to accommodate your schedule.

To download Career Expo screens, posters, and social media images, please click here.

Oregon State is on Handshake

Handshake is Oregon State’s new hub for everything students need from college to career. The Handshake platform was designed by students, for students with one goal in mind: to help college students find their way to their dream careers.

The more students use Handshake, the smarter it gets. When a student inputs their interests, preferences, and outcomes, the Handshake platform delivers content and jobs tailored to them. At this point in the 2017-2018 academic year, over 33% of students have completed their profiles.

If you want to get in the system and see what students see, please request an account in Handshake here; once approved, you will be able to navigate the system as a student.

Winter Term Highlights

  • 40 mock interviews with employers were facilitated during expo week.
  • Oregon State hosted 145 companies for five days of career events.
  • 1055 students attended the Career Expo.
  • Students had interviews with 44 different employers who conducted 286 post-career expo interviews.
  • Of the interviewees, 58 students received multiple invitations to interview.
  • Career Development Center faculty and staff conducted 713 drop-in appointments.

Careers in your College

Here are your college contacts for spring term:

  • Britt Hoskins
    • College of Agricultural Sciences
    • College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences
    • College of Forestry
  • Karla Rockhold
    • College of Liberal Arts
    • College of Education
  • Claire Wu
    • College of Public Health & Human Sciences
    • College of Science
    • Graduate School

For all other inquiries, please contact the Career Development Center at or 541-737-4085.

If you work with students in the College of Business, please contact Dan Ziriax in the COB Career Success Center.

Thank you for investing in our students’ futures. We look forward to partnering with you in creating excellent professional development and career opportunities for students at Oregon State.




The Career Development Center | 541-737-4085

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