There are significant pools of money attached to these new solicitations, and short lead times due to the delays in federal appropriations. Please share this email, discuss these with your colleagues and call me or another PD if you are considering applying.
Several of these opportunities are for special kinds of proposals/awards: EAGERs and RAISEs. You can read more about these mechanisms in the NSF PAPPG, Chapter II.E
Convergence Research (NSF 18-058) – explicitly multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary. This might support some of those spinoff projects that aren’t CHE-focused enough for CCI funding.  These are RAISE proposals (see PAPPG ), up to $1.0 million in funding over three years.  This DCL is written incredibly broadly, so your proposal could be in any area covered by NSF. There might be an extra kick for proposals relating to some of the 10 Big Ideas. Deadlines May 1 and Oct 15
TRIPODS+X (NSF 18-542) – link your CCI science community to TRIPODS data researchers, do data science!  Different tracks for Visioning (workshops, conferences, community building, up to $200,000); and Research (doing science!, up to $600,000). Deadline May 29, 2018.
Enabling Quantum Leap in Chemistry (NSF 18-051) – Supplements and EAGERs, Deadline May 1.
There are a LOT of opportunities being posted every week now. Most of these are cross-cutting opportunities that are multi-PI & multidisciplinary. They are trying to track these on the 10 Big Ideas pages, but you might also want to subscribe to the notifications available on the NSF home page. I’ll try to remember to send them out, but you don’t want to be waiting on me….
If you’ve looked at the NSF budget request for FY 2019, you’ve noticed that NSF plans to set aside significant pools of money for the 10 Big Ideas. This is also being implemented in the FY 2018 budget – the CHE budget is smaller, but CHE researchers can compete for research money in these 10 Big Ideas. We hope your CCI will help lead the way for chemistry researchers to see their science in the 10 Big Ideas. 

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