If you need new equipment, need to repair your existing equipment or would love to renovate or improve your equipment, apply for a RERF Award (Research Equipment Reserve Fund) from the OSU Research Office. 
All College of Science applications are due by Wednesday, February 14, 2018, by 5:00 p.m. to Bettye Maddux. The College will evaluate proposals and select two or three to send forward to the Research Office.
The equipment may be inventoried capital equipment (defined as anything equal to or more than $5,000 per unit), or fabricated capitalized equipment.
This year, the budget is expected to be $400,000. Research Equipment Reserve Funds (RERF) may be used to acquire, repair, renovate, or improve equipment directly used for research.
All faculty with the rank of instructor and above are eligible to serve as Principal Investigator (PI). Faculty with courtesy appointments may serve as Co-Investigator (Co-I) only. Research Associates, Postdoctoral Scholars and Postdoctoral Fellows are not eligible to serve as PI or Co-I.
Please note that faculty with uncommitted Research Office start-up funds are not eligible for consideration either as PI or Co-I. Also, any faculty, either as PIs and Co-Is, may only receive a RERF Award one time in a 24-month period as the PI.

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