It has been more than a year since the IRB notified the OSU community of the new ethics training requirements for those conducting research with human subjects. Since the date of that initial notice, numerous reminders have been sent to researchers and new training requirements have been issued by the NIH.

The OSU training groups have been updated and the instructions on the Human Research Protection Program website reflect all current requirements. The IRB will not issue approval letters for initial applications, renewals, or revisions unless all study team members on a project have current training.

Researchers should use their OSU email address for the primary and institutional addresses, rather than personal or non-OSU email addresses. If they have an existing account, they should confirm that the appropriate email address is reflected in their profile. Doing so will ensure that they receive the appropriate reminders from the external training site and will reduce errors as we transition to an electronic system at the end of 2018.

We would appreciate your assistance in disseminating this information within your Colleges.

Kind regards, Lisa

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