About the Program

Each Chemistry Summer Research Fellow will receive a stipend of approximately $7400 to perform research over 10 weeks under direction of a chemistry faculty member on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.  The program also includes weekly lunches with faculty, a poster session, and various professional and social events (e.g. visits to companies, museums, and amusement parks).

All fellows will be given the opportunity to live on campus for the duration of the program at a cost of approximately $1900.

Summer Research Program

Program Dates: June 4 –August 10, 2018

All appointments will be made within the time frame of June-August, with the first Monday in June reserved as a move-in day.  Therefore, all travel arrangements may be made accordingly.  If you require housing for a short period of time before the program commences or after the program has concluded, please contact the program director:


Nick Erickson




Program History

Maximillian Nandor Lando, a 1902 chemistry graduate of the University of Minnesota, initiated the Lando Program in 1973 with funds from his bequest to the University of Minnesota.  Lando has been, and is presently also supported by the National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) grant.

Application & Eligibility

Applicants are accepted from those students who are presently in their sophomore or junior year of undergraduate studies in chemistry or closely related fields.

All students who fulfill these requirements are eligible to apply to the NSF/REU and the Lando Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program.

The online application is available at: http://z.umn.edu/landonsf

The deadline for completion and submission of the application for the summer of 2018 is February 1, 2018.


Lando Summer Undergraduate Research Program University of Minnesota Department of Chemistry



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