
Dear Students,

The Chemistry Department at the University of North Texas invites applications for our Summer 2018 NSF-REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Program.  The ten-week program will begin May 29 (arriving May 27).  Participants will receive a $5,000 stipend, and housing will be provided.  Funds are available to help defray travel costs to and from the REU site, which is located in the northern outskirts of the Dallas-Ft. Worth area.

If you are interested, please submit your application, personal statement, transcripts and two letters of recommendation to us by Thursday, February 15, 2018.  As stated in the attached flyer, application forms and additional information can be found on our webpage: http://chemistry.unt.edu/nsf-reu-program

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Thank you,


Shawn Adams

UNT Chemistry REU Program Coordinator

1155 Union Circle, #305070

Denton, TX 76203

Tel: 940-565-4372

Fax: 940-565-4318


UNT REU Flyer 2018

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