
Delson Bridge to the Future Fund: Opened October 5, 2017

Deadline for Nominations:  October 23, 2017 at 5PM

The Graduate School administers an endowment fund created to honor Irma Delson, who dedicated her many years at OSU to serving students from all over the world. The Delson Bridge to the Future Fund is designed to assist students in the final phase of their graduate education to pay research expenses, publication costs, and other incidentals that stand in the way of completing their studies.

It is anticipated that up to two awards will be given.

For eligibility criteria, award guidelines, and nomination procedures, visit: http://gradschool.oregonstate.edu/finance/awards/delson-bridge



Jesse M. Bell Memorial Graduate Student Loan Program

Deadline for Nominations:  October 23, 2017 at 5PM 

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the Jesse M. Bell Memorial Graduate Student Loan Program which was created by the estate of Jesse Bell for the purpose of providing loans for worthy graduate students of high scholastic standing to enable their pursuit of graduate study in an OUS institution.

These non-need-based loans are available on a one-time basis to enrolled graduate students to assist with educational and/or research expenses associated with their advanced degree. Loans up to $5,000 are anticipated, and will be dependent upon the merits of the case, the loan demand, and the current balance available in the loan fund. Requests exceeding $5,000 will be considered on an exception basis.

It is anticipated that up to three awards will be given.

For eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, and application procedures, visit:   http://gradschool.oregonstate.edu/finance/awards/jesse-bell


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