The Office of Human Resources is sponsoring the following financial and retirement workshops.    We look forward to seeing you there.

Financial Workshops, presented by TIAA (formerly TIAA-CREF).

To Register visit the OSU Professional Development website (

[Tip: To find the workshop, use the  category search = “Employee Benefits”]

October 23, 2017 The Starting Line: Why and how retirement saving should begin now.  Smart steps in the beginning of your career can help lead you to a more solid financial future. Workshop leader will help you understand how debt should be managed, the real effect of time on money, and the keys to budgeting and saving. 9am-10am MU206
October 23, 2017 Halfway There: A retirement Checkup.  Don’t let retirement sneak up on you. It’s

never too late (or too early) to start saving for your future. TIAA’s workshop leader will discuss how planning ahead can give your savings an opportunity to grow.

11am-Noon MU206
October 23, 2017 Paying Yourself: Income Options in Retirement.  Do you know how you’ll pay yourself in retirement? There’s a lot to consider, including tax implications. Workshop will provide an overview of different income options and discuss when you may need to tap into your retirement funds. 1:30pm-2:30pm MU206
For all employees


TIAA provides articles, tools, and videos to help you prepare for retirement.  Visit the TIAA Oregon Public Universities website.  
PERS Workshops: To Register visit the OSU Professional Development website (

[Tip: To find the workshop, use the  category search = “Employee Benefits”]

Fall 2017

Throughout the State

PERS offers workshops throughout the State, to register for a workshop in your area please select the appropriate Workshop for your below:  

·         Tier 1 & Tier 2 members PERS Educational Workshops

·         OPSRP members PERS Educational Workshops


Or, visit the PERS website at: , In the RESOURSES – Education Sessions Section, select either Tier 1/2 or OPSRP. 

October 24, 2017



PERS:  Retirement Readiness for PERS Tier 1 & Tier 2 members (previously 1-Year to Retirement for Tier 1/2 Members).  For PERS Tier 1 & 2 members that will be retiring in less than 3 years.  Topics will include the IAP, Online Member Services, retirement eligibility, calculating retirement benefit, review of benefit estimate and retirement options. 1pm-3pm  MU 213
December 13, 2017


PERS:  All About OPSRP.  An overview of the PERS OPSRP pension program including membership, benefit, retirement eligibility, Online Member Services, OPSRP benefit estimates, retirement process, and the Individual Account Program (IAP).

This workshop is for PERS OPSRP members and employees currently serving their 6-month waiting period.  An OPSRP member is an employee that established membership in the PERS OPSRP pension program after August 2003. 

12:30pm-2:30pm MU 208
December 13, 2017 PERS: Introduction to PERS Retirement – PERS Tier 1 & Tier 2 members. For PERS Tier 1 & 2 members that will be retiring in more than 3 years.  Topics will include the IAP, Online Member Services, retirement eligibility, calculating retirement benefit, review of benefit estimate and retirement options. 8:30am-10:30am  MU 208
Financial Workshops, presented by Fidelity.
For all employees


Fidelity will be offering On-demand webinars on a variety of topics by the end of October. Workshops will be on the Fidelity’s Oregon Public Universities website.  Click on the tab titled  “Workshops” On-demand Webinars
TIAA:  1-to-1 Financial Consultations.  To Register, call 800.732.8353 or schedule online at
Couple of spots still available in November (December TBA)

November 8 & 9, 2017

Visit TIAA at: for more information or call 800.732.8353  
FIDELITY:  1-to-1 Financial Consultations.  To Register, go to the Fidelity web site.
October 19, 2017

November 6, 13, 21, 2017

December 1, 6, 11, 12, 2017

Visit the Fidelity website at:  

Employee Benefits Workshop website:

If you have any questions, please contact Employee Benefits at 541.737.2805 or by email


Employee Benefits | Office of Human Resources |

Oregon State University | Direct: 541.737.2805 | Fax: 541.737.0553 |

Location:  204 Kerr Admin Bldg | Mailing: 122 Kerr Admin Bldg | Corvallis, OR 97331-2132 | Go Beavs!


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