Here is the update on the upcoming events pertaining to Chemistry’s Purchasing and Holiday Schedule.  Note: I will be out on vacation Wednesday July 3rd.

July Events

  1. Saturday July 1st – Purchasing active again. 
  2. Please send your orders requests and approvals in now so I may process them as soon as possible.
  3. Monday July 3rd – Chem Stores Closed
  4. Tuesday July 4th – Fourth of July Holiday

Purchasing active again:  As you are no doubt aware, Purchasing has been shut down since June 16th for the fiscal year end.  The new Fiscal Year begins Saturday July 1st.  I will be in on Saturday July 1st to place current backlogged orders and continue as needed on Monday, July 3rd.

Note: I will be away Tuesday and Wednesday.  July 4th: Holiday and, July 5th: Vacation Day.

Fourth of July Holiday:  Tuesday July 4th is a national Holiday: U.S. Independence Day.  As such the Chemistry Department and the University will be closed in observance of the Holiday.

Note: Chem Stores Personnel, making a long weekend, are on vacation Monday July 3rd.  Therefore Chem Stores will be closed from 4:00 PM Friday 6/30/17 until 9:00 AM Wednesday 7/5/17.  Please plan accordingly.


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