Chemistry Department,


June 16th is the last day to place orders until July 1, 2017.

We are quickly coming to the end of 2017 Fiscal Year.  The last day of the Fiscal Year is June 30th.  As most of you are aware, we, Purchasing, stop placing orders the last two weeks of the year to allow Vendors’ Invoices to clear the business centers.  This year, the last day that orders will be placed is Friday June 16th.  After June 16th, only ‘emergency orders will be placed and will require a written explanation on why an order is an “emergency”.  If you place your own orders, please hold them between June 17th to June 30th.

We will build shopping carts and order list so that we can place orders quickly the first week of July.  Note:  That the first week in July includes the Fourth of July Holiday and will be a short work week.

As far as other Fiscal year purchasing closures here is the letter from Alex Sims for other purchasing milestones.

There are few year end close deadlines that are fast approaching that I wanted to draw attention to.

  • Last day to submit current year requisitions over $150,000             5/12/2017
  • PYAREDs Opens for redistributions           6/1/2017
  • YEC Process Training 6/6/2017
  • Last day to submit current year requisitions between $25,000 – $149,000                6/9/2017

The complete YEC schedule will be released by the end of next week, along with details about training opportunities.

Thank you,


Alex Sims

Manager of Vendor Payment Operations

100B Kerr Admin Building, Corvallis, OR 97331

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