As it was announced at our COS Faculty Awards ceremony in February 2017 by our interim Provost Ron Adams, our college has established a “Faculty Scholars for Teaching Excellence Endowment.”
We have an exciting opportunity to select at least one of our colleagues to receive support from this endowment, with matching funds from the Provost, that recognizes excellent teaching and learning innovations.  Please visit the following website for details about this program (also attached):

Both tenured/tenure track and non-tenure track faculty in the College of Science are eligible for this recognition.  Our selected COS Faculty Scholar will be a critical contributor to the University’s broader Student Success Initiative, be recognized by the community of practice, and committed to sharing teaching practices that are proven to engage students and increase their success at OSU and beyond.

The first step in this process is to form a selection committee to establish a selection process and a timeline.  Please respond to me by April 24 with the names of nominees for the selection committee.  Self-nominations are also welcome.  Potential nominees for the Faculty Scholar Award should not be member of the selection committee.


Thank you,


Dr. Staci L. Massey Simonich, Professor
Associate Dean, College of Science
Oregon State University
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology and
Department of Chemistry
Kidder 112
Corvallis, Oregon USA 97331-7301
v: (541)737-9194; f: (541)737-0497

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