Participants who complete receive $500.00 in professional development funds.

Dear Colleagues,

What does excellence in the classroom looks like?  Let’s take a look at the research.  Encourage faculty to join this Spring’s Professional Learning Community, Teaching Triads.

In this learning community participants will support student success by examining and applying:

·        High yield instructional strategies based on recent cognition research
·        Methods of classroom data collection
·        Intellectual coaching that inspires reflection and modification of teaching to further support student success

The MOU is located at  Participants who complete receive $500.00 in professional development funds.

We will continue to accept MOUs until April 3rd. Please encourage interested folks to join this engaging and enlightening PLC.

A more in-depth description of this hybrid learning community is below.  Thank you for your consideration.
With care,

Kay M. Sagmiller, Ph.D.
Center for Teaching and Learning Director
Oregon State University
(541) 737-2819
Office: LinC 400 E

Teaching Triad Description
What? This Professional Learning Community (PLC) is designed to engage trios of faculty around structured teaching observations and intellectual coaching. Through reciprocal observations, feedback, and dialogue participants collaboratively address questions, needs, and opportunities in the advancement of teaching. The work is intended to be supportive, formative, and voluntary (not evaluative).

Why?  Peer Observations are the most frequently acknowledged method for improving teaching. Teaching Triads promotes effective teaching observations in which preparation and a unique set of skills are developed (Berk, 2006, 2014; Marzano & Simms, 2013; Costa & Garmston, 2002; Knapper, 2001; Theall & Franklin 2001; Braskamp, 2000).

How?  Teaching Triads uses a hybrid course design to: 1) develop trust and rapport with cross-curricular colleagues; 2) engage in formalized intellectual coaching; 3) practice research-based methods of collecting and analyzing teaching data; and 4) investigate connections between observation data, changes in teaching practice, and professional renewal.

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