June 18-23 and June 26-30 | Corvallis, Oregon

Oregon State is pleased to announce the 6th annual Natural Resources Leadership Academy (NRLA), held at the nation’s leading natural resources university. NRLA is a unique opportunity for graduate students and industry professionals to enhance their leadership skills through hands-on experience in engaging course work and an off-site field trip, preparing leaders to solve complicated natural resources problems in the state of Oregon and beyond. Tracks can be taken for professional development (noncredit) or graduate credit to be applied toward a graduate certificate or master’s or Ph.D. degree programs.

2017 tracks include:

•   Environmental Politics and Policy (PS 575)
•   Social Aspects of Sustainable Natural Resources (SNR 520)
•   Sustainability Assessment (SUS 514/599)
•   Water Conflict Management and Transformation (WRP 521)
•   Resilient and Robust Resource Management (WRP 599)

Attached to this email is a digital version of the NRLA postcard and poster. Please share this announcement widely with faculty, staff and graduate students.

Thank you,
OSU Summer Session

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