This is the 7th year of the Staff Art Exhibit, and we’re hoping for representation from all parts of OSU in this showcase of creativity.  Do you have creative individuals in your area (maybe even you)?  Most any medium is accepted in this exhibit, so please encourage submissions of work by November 29.

The benefits, besides showing talent beyond the day-to-day job, are that departments are listed on the artist’s block next to the work, and all artists, co-workers and friends are invited to a special reception hosted by President Ray on December 20.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this project, and I hope that you might be able to encourage participation in this activity.

Best wishes,


Mealoha McFadden

Acting Director, University Events
Oregon State University
205 Adams Hall | Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2004
Phone 541-737-6522 | Fax 541-737-8955 | Cell 541-231-2585

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