Here are RFPs with upcoming deadlines:

Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research
Bridge Funding Program – Deadline November 10th
The Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer is announcing funds for up to one Bridge Funding Award based on scientific merit. The purpose of Bridge Funding is to allow researchers to produce data needed to substantiate their proposal resubmission to federal funding agencies for a promising new research project. The Rivkin Center provides interim funding of up to $30,000 to researchers who have submitted an R01, R21, K08, K23, or K99 proposal to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or an original proposal to the Department of Defense (DoD) pertaining to ovarian cancer and who have not received, but were close to, a fundable score. Investigator-initiated projects in all areas of ovarian cancer research are eligible. Special consideration will be given to research that has clinical applicability. Funds are for direct costs only; institutional overhead and indirect costs will not be included in the award.

Cancer Research Institute
Technology Impact Award – Deadline November 15th (LOI)
The Cancer Research Institute is proud to announce its Technology Impact Award, a new program designed to challenge the world’s leading scientists and out-of-the box thinkers to create a research plan and assemble a research team that will develop a new technology platform with the potential to transform the field of cancer immunotherapy.

The grant aims to support the development of highly innovative technologies that can ultimately be adopted by the research community at large and that will enable researchers to develop the next generation cancer immunotherapies that can be effective and personalized for each patient. Technologies may facilitate our understanding of the antigenic profile, cellular interplay, and mechanistic pathways within the tumor microenvironment that are essential for an effective anti-tumor response.

To that end, CRI is seeking letters of intent from single investigators for projects that address the technological barriers currently faced in the field of cancer immunotherapy. One grant of up to $1,000,000 is available, payable over a maximum of three years.

American Association for Cancer Research
Career Development Award for Pediatric Cancer Research – Deadline November 15th
The AACR-Aflac, Inc. Career Development Award for Pediatric Cancer Research represents a joint effort to encourage and support junior faculty to conduct pediatric cancer research and establish a successful career path in this field. The research proposed for funding may be basic, translational, clinical, or epidemiological in nature and must have direct applicability and relevance to pediatric cancer. Grant amount: $100,000.

Gertrude B. Elion Cancer Research Award – Deadline November 22nd
The AACR Gertrude B. Elion Cancer Research Award represents a joint effort to encourage and support tenure-eligible junior faculty. The research proposed for funding must focus on research in cancer etiology, diagnosis, treatment, or prevention and may be basic, translational, or clinical in nature.

The recipient of the 2017 AACR Gertrude B. Elion Cancer Research Award is required to give a presentation of their research in a minisymposium at the AACR Annual Meeting 2018. (Travel support will be provided, separate from this grant, for the grant recipient to attend the 2018 meeting.) Grant amount: $75,000.

Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation-AACR Grant – Deadline December 13th
The Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation-AACR Grant represents a joint effort to promote and support innovative cancer research. This grant is available to independent junior and senior investigators to develop and study new ideas and innovative approaches that have direct application and relevance to neuroendocrine tumors. Proposed research may be in any discipline of basic, translational, clinical, or epidemiological cancer research.

Applications are invited from researchers currently in the field as well as investigators with experience in other areas of cancer or biomedical research who have promising ideas and approaches that can be applied to neuroendocrine tumor research. Grant amount: $250,000.

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Translational Research Grant – Deadline December 1st
The 2017 Translational Research Grant will fund high priority pancreatic cancer research that is poised for important translational next steps in order to help move discovery to application in patients. The grant provides $300,000 over two years for a translational research project that has as its endpoint the development of a pancreatic cancer assessment, prevention or treatment modality. For purposes of this grant, translational research is defined according to the framework conceived by the Translational Research Working Group, created under the auspices of the U.S. National Cancer Advisory Board.

To be eligible for a Translational Research Grant, the scientific validation of the proposed modality must already exist, and the project proposed for funding should represent a practical application of this knowledge. Fundamental discovery or basic science research projects are not eligible for funding through this grant mechanism.

The type of project that will qualify for funding will typically benefit from the inclusion of cross-disciplinary expertise. Therefore, applications can include one contact principal investigator (PI) or a contact PI and a co-PI. If there are two PIs, they should include a basic scientist and a clinician. It is anticipated that five 2017 Translational Research Grants will be awarded.

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