This recruitment will be used to fill 3-4 part-time (a maximum of 20 hours per week) Student Support Services positions for the Academic Success Center at Oregon State University (OSU).

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a highly successful program and an integral part of the Academic Success Center. SI offers peer-facilitated study groups for students in historically-challenging classes. SI is currently hiring leaders to support the CH 23X series.

SI Leaders attend all lectures for the supported courses and are responsible for planning and leading 6 small-group study tables per week. Each study table is scheduled for 50 minutes, and tables are held weeks 2-10 of the term. The SI Leaders plan for interactive study tables to support students as they practice challenging course material. Students who participate in SI study tables on a regular basis, on average, earn course grades which are 1/3 to 1/2 of a grade higher than students who do not participate. SI Leaders will participate in required weekly professional development meetings.

This position offers leadership and professional experience for students interested in supporting their peers’ academic success. Appointment is usually for the academic year, but SI Leaders’ ongoing employment in that year (and in subsequent years) is dependent upon positive and professional work performance as well as the SI program budget. At times, an increase or a reduction in the number of study tables led may occur due to student enrollment.

Apply here:

Position closes 8/31/16

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