Greetings OSU Undergraduate Researchers,

The Office of Undergraduate Studies is organizing an Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium (USRS) to be held at OSU on August 30 in LINC 314.

The symposium is open to all OSU undergraduates – those conducting research this summer, and those that have conducted research earlier. The symposium is an excellent opportunity for undergraduates to share their research with others. All participants will be eligible for the Research Fellow Transcript Notation.

Two presentation options will be available:
a.      10 minute presentations
b.      3 minute presentations

Questions can be sent to

All participants will need to attend at least one (more, if interested) of the following Practice Sessions to be held 2.00 to 4.00 PM in ALS 4000 on:

August 18
August 19
August 25
August 26

Undergraduates should discuss their interest in participating in the symposium with their research mentor and then send an email by July 29 to with ‘USRS’ indicated in the ‘Subject’, and the following in the body of the email:

Name of Undergraduate Researcher:
Primary Major:
Name of Research Mentor:
Presentation Category: 10 minute or 3 minute presentation
Research Topic (Broadly describe area of research in one sentence):

This information is requested for planning the symposium.



Sujaya Rao, PhD.
Director of Undergraduate Research
Division of Undergraduate Studies
Oregon State University

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