As part of the events planned for the Year of Arts and Sciences we are looking for labs/researchers/grad students that would like to host or work with art student interns.  Most students would be interested in 1 term, of 1-2 credits, although for some it may develop further.

In the experiences I have had the student shadowed a graduate student to learn what goes on in the lab and helped with experiments – it was fascinating to see the dialog and ideas that developed. But there are a lot of different interaction models. We will extend the invitation to writers, musicians and students in new media – so think about data visualization and videography. This could be a great experience for some of our students, and we are working on opportunities for them to reciprocate and work in art media. We hope that one outcome will be a collaborative art show and/or a catalog of projects, with contributions from both the scientists and artists.

The first step is to create a list of those interested so that the students can contact you personally. If you are interested, please provide the following:

1. A brief description of your research and/or a website

2. The terms that an internship would be available.

3. Contact email

4. anything else I forgot to ask or that you think would be interesting.

Please send this information to


Jerri Bartholomew
Professor/Head, Dept of Microbiology
Director John L. Fryer Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory
Department of Microbiology, Nash Hall 226
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-3804
Phone:  541-737-1834
Fax:    541-737-0496

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