Information Services is pleased to announce Hackathon 1.0: Innovation Unscripted, a one-day event for OSU employees to collaborate, innovate, and build or propose something new for the benefit of OSU. It will take place on Friday, May 6, from 8:30-5, in the Memorial Union.

–          Unlike many hackathons, what you create does not have to be technical (for example, you could design a new process).
–          There will be fun prizes, including one team getting the opportunity to pitch their idea to campus leadership!
–          This will be a day of fun, camaraderie and productivity. What’s not to love?

We hope you’ll join us. Fair warning, though, participation is limited to twelve teams, so register soon! Registration is open from April 1 through 25.

Learn more and register at the hackathon webpage:

We look forward to seeing you there!

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