We wish to alert you of funding opportunities for early career faculty holding appointments in Chemistry, Physics or Astronomy Departments.

Our prestigious Cottrell Scholar Award (CSA) is available to early career faculty who conduct high-quality research and educational activities at both research universities and primarily undergraduate institutions across the country.

Please note that CSA submission starts with a pre-proposal due May 16, 2016. Principal investigators with successful pre-proposals will be invited to submit full-proposals, due August 1, 2016. Outstanding candidates are admitted to the ranks of Cottrell Scholars through a stringent peer-review process based on their innovative research proposals and education programs. For the 2016 proposal cycle, eligibility is limited to faculty members who started their first tenure-track appointment anytime in calendar year 2013. Award size is $100,000 and no institutional match is required.

The CSA is the entry point to this exceptional community of teacher-scholars and the program has much more to offer than the initial award. As Cottrell Scholars, PUI and research university faculty benefit from award opportunities throughout their careers, such as TREE, LEAD, SEED, and the FRED award. For more information on the Cottrell Scholar program, please see the RCSA site at http://rescorp.org/cottrell-scholars.

Please forward this information to eligible early career faculty.  For questions about the Cottrell Scholar Program, contact Silvia Ronco (RCSA Program Director) at sronco@rescorp.org.

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