Postdocs! Do not miss this opportunity! The ACS Postdoc to PUI Professor (P3) workshop will be held at Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina, April 7 – 9, 2016. All meals, accommodation, and instruction are paid by ACS!! Postdocs pay for travel. Application Deadline: 11:59 PM EST Monday, February 29, 2016!

Preparing for Life After Graduate School workshop (grad students and postdocs): For a low price to your department, receive valuable information to launch a successful career, including career choice exploration, technical and soft-skill development, making a great first impression before, during and after the interview and into the job, and more! The workshop is facilitated by experienced ACS career consultants with years of experience in the chemical industry and academe in the U.S. To host this 2-day workshop with an additional day for scheduled resume reviews and practice interviews in your department, contact the ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral Scholars Office at or visit

Academic Employment Initiative (AEI) poster session, Senior graduate students and postdocs interested in applying for faculty positions: simply submit a valid abstract by the deadline and you can participate in this event. Deadline: April 4, 2016 When: 8 – 10 PM Monday, August 22, 2014 Where: Philadelphia, CA (SciMix at the fall 2016 national meeting).

The Postdoc to Faculty (P2F) workshop will be held in Philadelphia, PA on August 19 – 20, just prior to the ACS national meeting. This 2-day workshop will introduce you to the variety and expectations of junior faculty at academic institutions, share strategies for fulfilling the academic responsibilities of scholarship, teaching, and service, and will prepare you to apply and interview for faculty positions. For the selected applicants, there is no fee for attending the workshop, and all meals and 2 nights of accommodation will be covered by ACS. Applications will open in early spring. So keep an eye on for updates in early March.

Individual Development Plan for Graduate Students and Postdocs! ACS introduces ChemIDP, an individual development planning tool designed to help grad students and postdocs in the chemical sciences plan and prepare for rewarding careers. For more information contact
Faculty and administrators, please contact me directly if you have any questions or to volunteer. All other enquires should go to Thank you!

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