We are pleased to announce that the NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Interdisciplinary Materials Research at Southern Illinois University is currently accepting applications for the Summer of 2015 (its 11th summer, completing 10 years of operation this Spring).

We seek your assistance in alerting undergraduate students to our REU Program.  First, we ask that this notice (and attached flyer) be forwarded to Departments of Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering on your campus for posting.  Also, please feel free to alert affiliated student organizations and fellow faculty members who may have students interested in this program, and/or distribute the attached flyer in other ways according to your discretion.

Our program is particularly interested in attracting candidates (preferably in their first, second, or third years of college) from groups traditionally under-represented in Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering; as always, all applications are welcome.  Application forms and details about the program are available on-line at:  http://www.chem.siu.edu/undergraduate/research-opportunities/reu/index.php.  Review of applications will commence after February 26, 2016.

Our program will begin May 31, 2016 and will commence for 9 weeks.  Participating students will work with mentors from the Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, or Microbiology to perform materials research (broadly defined)—with emphases in nanoscience/nanotechnology, energy research, smart materials, biomaterials, materials characterization, computational modeling, friction/tribology, and materials fabrication among other subjects.  In this program, students will work on independent research projects and receive hands-on training in the use of state-of-the-art instrumentation and methods.

Student benefits include a stipend of approximately $4500, $1,000 research expenditure allowance, free college housing, and a travel allowance to facilitate transportation from the student’s home institution or to conferences (up to $750).

If you or anyone else has questions about our REU Program, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.  Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

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