Winter MCAT Prep begins January 23 – register now!
WINTER 2016 MCAT Prep Schedule
Saturdays, 9:00am – 4:00pm
Jan 23, 30; Feb 6, 13, 20, 27, Mar 5
Contact TLC at 541-346-3226 for more information. Registration forms are available at and in 68 PLC. 
Taught by UO Faculty—A team of five UO instructors review key concepts, facilitate problem-based learning, and incorporate learning and testing strategies specifically tailored to the MCAT.
Accessible—Students may attend classes live on the UO campus or via distance online.
Low Cost—Less than 1/3 the cost of commercial programs, the $750 per student fee covers:
·         36 hours of instruction
·         Examkrackers Complete MCAT Study Package, 9th edition ($275 list price)
·         AAMC’s official Practice Exam One (proctored)
·         Access to class videos and other materials that supplement in-class instruction
High Quality—Here are just a few recent examples from consistently positive evaluations:
·         “Instructors have extensive MCAT knowledge”
·         “Logically formatted and thorough”
·          “Structure forces me to spend time studying each week”


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