Scaled Grants (up to $100,000)
Scaled Grants will be awarded to multi-departmental teams at the OSU Corvallis campus who are launching new initiatives or expanding existing ones. Co-contributed resources of staff time and/or funds are expected, and a sustainability plan for maintaining the initiative should be included with the proposal. Deans need to review and actively support the project. Projects should directly contribute to student learning and experience: although research may be conducted on a funded project, the grant funds are not intended to support research itself.

Phase One project descriptions for Scaled Grants are due February 12. Phase Two full proposals are due March 11. Applicants must complete both phases of the proposal to be eligible.

The website with more information and links to the Winter 2016 application will be available beginning December 11. For more information about the Scaled Grants, please visit this url:

An information session will be held in mid-January. Meanwhile, please feel free to contact Robin Pappas with questions at

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