Over the past several months, we have spoken with multiple colleges’ leadership teams as well as the Graduate School about an National Science Foundation Research Traineeship – Innovations in Graduate Education (NRT IGE) proposal entitled Research2Innovation2Society where we will be using the Lens of the Market® education program to teach students, postdocs and faculty how to inform their research through societal and market need.  This month and next month, we will be holding informational seminars for faculty to learn more about how the program can benefit them as well as their students.  There will be a short presentation followed by a Q&A session with OSU students and faculty that have participated in the program.  Faculty can attend seminars on the following dates:

November 19 (noon-1:30pm in LPSC 402)
December 4 (noon-1:30pm in LPSC 402)
December 7 (noon-1:30pm in LPSC 402)

We would like to ask that you share this information with the faculty in your department and encourage their participation in one of the seminars. Lunch will be provided for all attendees that pre-register athttp://nrtige.oregonstate.edu/signup.

In addition, we have created a website so that interested individuals can learn more about the value of Lens of the Market – including a sign-up form to indicate interest in the program:http://nrtige.oregonstate.edu.  Please note, that the website can only be accessed through an OSU IP address.

Thank you for your time.

All the best,
Rich Carter and Michelle Dolgos

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