
My name is Susannah Banziger. I wanted to send a final email to remind graduate students that the deadline to submit an application is fast approaching (Nov 13th). I am one of six graduate students that will be hosting the 2016 GSSPC Symposium at the ACS National Meeting in San Diego this spring. In addition to planning a symposium we are tasked with selecting the Spring 2017 GSSPC.

Being a part of the American Chemical Society Graduate Student Symposium Planning Committee (GSSPC) presents graduate students with the opportunity to completely design and orchestrate a symposium at an ACS National Meeting. In doing so, students will gain skills that will benefit them for the entirety of their professional career.

Please forward this email along to your graduate students. I have attached an informational flyer as well as a list of application requirements.

More information about the GSSPC can be found at the following link:

Thank you for your time. Please do not hesitate to contact me at purdue.gsspc@gmail.com with any questions regarding applications.


Susannah D. Banziger
GSSPC 2016 Chairman
Purdue University

ACS 2017 Flyer

Spring 2017 GSSPC Application Form

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