Chemistry Faculty, Staff & Students:

Staff in the Arts and Science Business Center provide accounting support for the College of Science.  Here’s a quick overview of who does what for Chemistry and their contact information …

Monica Deignan – Accounting Technician (,  7-3958)
·        Travel and expense reimbursements and invoices:  Chemistry faculty, staff, and students should coordinate with Anita Bracha who will then work with Monica for these functions. **Monica works closely with Anita on travel and expense reimbursements**
·         Assists with Purchase Orders and contracts
·         Provides advice regarding OSU policies & procedures (travel, payables, pcards, etc.)

Andy Kuback – Accountant 2 (, 7-8290)
·         Provides financial reporting (for grants)
·         Assists with grant and contract administration
·         Assists with Purchase Orders and contracts  (for grants)
·         Processes Chemstores billing
·         Coordinates cash deposits
·         Provides advice regarding OSU policies & procedures (travel, payables, pcards, etc.)
·         Serves as lead worker for Chemistry accountants

Dick Toliver – Accountant  (, 7-1832)
·         Provides financial reporting (for 201 accounts and various E&G funds)
·         Processes Chemistry shop billings (NMR, x-ray, machine and electronics)
·         Assists with Purchase Orders and contracts
·         Provides advice regarding OSU policies & procedures (travel, payables, pcards, etc.)

Penny Pinard – Finance Coordinator (, 7-1244)
·         Provides financial reporting (for start-ups)

Important Reminders
In addition to this list of who can help you in these various areas, here are some reminders on important topics that often arise …

v  Employees are encouraged to use a departmental procurement card (P-Card) or auto pay vendors for OSU business related purchases, as this saves both time and money for the university and does not require out-of-pocket expense for employees.

v  Only Contract Officers are authorized to sign and execute contracts and other written instruments on behalf of OSU.  Any document required to be signed on behalf of OSU, regardless of dollar value or type of document, must be signed by an individual with contract signature authority.  The only exception to this policy is for OSU interdepartmental agreements.  If you have any other contracts or agreements requiring a signature (or an on-line signature/agreement to terms), ask ASBC and we can help direct you to the appropriate unit to obtain the needed signature.

v  Any purchase over $5,000 requires a purchase order from your business center before the order is placed.
v  For purchases of $25,000 or more – ASBC will coordinate the solicitation process with Procurement and Contract Services (PaCS).

v  Here is a helpful link for OSU’s travel policy:

v  International Travel Information/Resources:
OSU requires travelers to register their international trips with Risk Management.  This website links to the registration form and provides a lot of useful information for pre-travel planning and reasonably priced travel insurance

If using grant funds for the trip, here are some additional websites that may apply:
·         Foreign travel paid with grant funds –

See GCG Manual Policy 215-03 for policies related to international travel on grants

OPAA Foreign Travel Authorization Form – Form must be completed before making international travel arrangements on grant funds –

·         Foreign travel paid with federal grants – In order to get reimbursed you must follow the Fly America Act –

“The Fly America Act requires that all travelers and others performing U.S. Government-financed air travel use U.S. flag carriers to the extent such carriers are available, even if their use would cost more.”

See GCG Manual Policy 215-03 for more details and exceptions

Feel free to stop by and introduce yourselves (we are in Cordley 2042).   We like to have faces to go with names and e-mails we see on a regular basis.

You might also check out our website at  It has some helpful resources and links related to travel, payables, purchasing, etc. as well as a helpful ASBC Quick Reference guide covering many of these areas.

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.  I value getting input from our customers on how we can improve our service.

Best Regards,


Jackie Thorsness
Finance & Accounting Manager
Arts & Sciences Business Center | Oregon State University
2042 Cordley Hall | Corvallis, OR 97331
Ph. 541.737.1307

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