The Cottrell Scholars Collaborative (CSC) Academic Leadership Team (ALT) is staging an Academic Leadership Workshop on January 31 to February 2 in Washington, DC. This workshop will offer practical advice and tools to help participants enter into academic leadership roles such as a Research Center Director, Department Head or Dean. Among the unique components are a 360-degree analysis and engagement with existing academic leaders who started their careers in chemistry, physics or astronomy. As a chair, we are sure that you can appreciate the value of deliberate and focused training for leadership positions prior to starting them. We are therefore writing to ask you to identify and encourage one of the future leaders in your department to apply to the 2016 ALT Workshop.
For details about the workshop and a link to the application, please go
For more information about the Cottrell Scholars Collaborative (a cross-dsicplinary network of Cottrell Scholars known for their research and educational efforts), sponsored by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, please go to:
The deadline for applications is October 15th, 2015. Although some preference will be given to Cottrell Scholars, we will welcome mid-career faculty who are engaged in advancing the teacher-scholar model in academia as they move into academic leadership positions. We would also like to encourage you to support our attendees by defraying their travel costs and our registration fee ($750). Feel free to contact us or other ALT members listed in the “About” link of the website for further information.
Again, please encourage your colleagues to apply.

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