Below is another RFP that you may wish to share with the OSU cancer group.  This is specifically for young investigators working on either gene-based or cell-based therapy research.  The deadline is August 24 for applications.

Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy, Inc. (ACGT) funds research aimed at furthering the development of cell and gene therapy approaches to the treatment of cancer. To this end, ACGT offers its Young Investigator Award to qualified scientists at the tenure-track assistant professor level.

The funding for this grant is $250,000 over 2-3 years. Additional information from the funding organization is attached.

If anyone is interested in applying, and Aaron Shonk, Paul DuBois or I can be of any assistance, please let us know.

Thank you!

Director of Development, Linus Pauling Institute

Oregon State University Foundation
850 SW 35th St.  |  Corvallis, OR  |  97333
541-737-0055  |  cell 541-207-8428

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