I am seeking 2 Chemistry instructors at Chemeketa Community College, in Salem, for the fall term. Both classes that are open meet just one day a week, on Satuirday, so they could work for commuting faculty or students (although it is a long day because it comprises both lecture and lab).

I am particularly interested in finding a Bio-chemistry instructor who could teach pre-health career students in the community college, in a CHEM 110 class.

Please let me know if you have students who might be interested, and direct them to the Chemeketa Jobs webpage. They would go to www.chemeketa.edu, find the Quick Links notation on the left side of the brown bar, scroll down to community and visitors and click on Chemeketa Jobs, Go to the Navigation on the right side and click on Job Opportunities, then click on Part time Faculty Positions in the lower left, and scroll down to physical sciences, Chemistry.

Candidates would need to fill out the Chemeketa application form, attach a resume and cover letter describing their teaching experience and philosophy.

Thanks for your help spreading the word!

Cecelia Monto
Dean, Education and Evening/Weekend Programs
Building 5, Room 264

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