Action Research Fellowship for Instructors and Faculty – Applications include preliminary research plan and a few attachments.  Deadline EXTENDED to July 13th Midnight.  For more info
·         Do you teach a lower division large enrollment course in the College of Science or Engineering?
·         Are  you using teaching practices focused on enhancing student learning?
·         Are you interested in knowing more about how your practices are working for your students?
·         Do you want to innovate in your classroom or try a novel teaching method?
·         Are you interested applying a research lens to the classroom to better understand practice and contribute to what we know about learning?

If you answered yes to of most of these then you are a great candidate for the ESTEME@OSU Action Research Fellowship.

The main part of the application is a 1-3 page preliminary research and dissemination plan.  This plan need only be preliminary since each awarded fellow will be paired with a partner to help refine and execute the research plan.  Applicants do not need IRB approval at time of submission.

We expect to award 8 fellowships as a non-recurring stipend (this is taxable, but above and beyond current salary).

If you have any questions about the application, eligibility, or would like assistance thinking through your research idea do not hesitate to contact Julie Risien.

The full request for applications can be found here

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