Thank you for your interest in and registering for the upcoming July 7 OHSU-OSU research collaboration meeting.  As the meeting approaches, we are looking for your help and input in the organization of the day.  The overall schedule remains as previously described.  Event check-in opens at 9:30am.  The meeting runs from 10:00am to 5:00pm, followed by a reception.  Breakfast items, lunch, and snacks and drinks at the reception will be provided.  The event will be held in various rooms at the LaSells Stewart Center.

Below is the preliminary agenda.  A finalized agenda will be sent out closer to the event.

OHSU-OSU Collaborative Meeting II
LOCATION:  LaSells Stewart Center, OSU Corvallis Campus
DATE: Tuesday, July 7, 2015

9:30am                Check-in, coffee and tea
10:00-10:15am  Associate Dean for Research welcome and overview
10:15-12pm        Research collaboration breakout sessions by clusters
12:00-12:30pm  Break to grab lunch and settle in debrief room
12:30-1:45pm    Dean???s Welcome address, lunch and debrief from the breakout sessions
1:45-2:00pm      Overview & logistics of lab and core facilities tour
2:00-4:00pm      Lab and core facilities and walking tour
4:00-5:00pm      Overview of remaining capabilities at OSU and closing discussion
5:00-6:00pm      VP of Research Welcome and Social hour – Reception

Based upon the interests areas we received from you and the OSHU participants during registration, we are recommending that for the 10 am to noon research collaboration breakout sessions, we organize flexible, rotating discussions between OSU and OHSU faculty around six themes.

Within a larger group with common interests in Microfluidics/Fluid Processing/and Materials, we are recommending 3 discussion themes to include:

Within a larger group with common interests in Autonomy, Computing and Informatics, we are recommending 3 discussion themes to include:
Big Data & Analytics
Imaging & Visualization
Robotics & Machine Learning.

We picture that in the 10 am to noon time slot, we will have tables set up for each of the six discussion themes, and an opportunity for participants (both OHSU and OSU) to rotate from table to table about every 30 minutes.

We are looking for your help at this point.  At each theme table we would like to have at least one OSU faculty member who will remain at that table (theme) throughout the time block to serve as moderator and facilitator.  Ideally, we will also have an additional OSU volunteer at each table (a faculty member or graduate student) to serve as scribe.  Over the noon to 1:30 working lunch, the moderator and scribe for each discussion theme will briefly report in to the larger group on the highest priority topics identified for possible OHSU-OSU collaborations, and also on the people from both institutions interested in such joint work.  Attached is the agenda and a list of suggested breakout groups.

If you would like to volunteer to serve as a discussion theme moderator or scribe, please respond to Drea Zigler (, including your preference on theme and moderator/scribe.

Registrations will be accepted through Wednesday July 1st, for the July 7th OHSU-OSU research collaboration event:

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