Mark your calendars, campus is getting busy again.

New Student Programs & Family Outreach is collaborating with our campus partners to welcome new students at START – OSU’s summer advising, registration and orientation program. Students attend START to meet with an academic advisor, register for fall term classes, attend workshops on a variety of topics, meet current students and staff, and learn about campus resources. This summer orientation program aids in the transition process of OSU’s new students. A parent/family orientation program runs concurrently.

Please note that START dates this year are as follows:

·         Monday, June 22- Tuesday, June 23- First-year START
·         Thursday, June 25- Friday, June 26- First-year START
·         Sunday, June 28- Monday, June 29- First-year START*
·         Tuesday, June 30- Transfer START
·         Monday, July 6- Tuesday, July 7- First-year START
·         Thursday, July 9- Friday, July 10- First-year START
·         Monday, July 13- Tuesday, July 14- First-year START
·         Wednesday, July 15- Transfer START
·         Thursday, July 16- Friday, July 17- First- year START
·         Monday, July 20- Tuesday, July 21- First-year START
·         Friday, July 24- Transfer START
·         Monday, August 24- Tuesday, August 25- First-year START
·         Wednesday, August 26- Transfer START
*START Bilingüe program—the parent & family session has an additional track conducted in Spanish for parents & family members who prefer to receive information in Spanish primarily.
You will notice an increased amount of people on campus during these days and traffic to your department/office could increase. Usually our 2-day orientation program for first-year students involves about 700 participants (both students and their family members). Our 1-day transfer sessions see about 350 participants.

If you would like more information about OSU’s new student programming and/or START, please visit our web site:

Thank you in advance for your help in creating a welcoming environment for our new students.


Leslee Mayers | Interim Director

New Student Programs & Family Outreach | Oregon State University
A150 Kerr Administration Building | Corvallis, OR 97321

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