Instruments and Online Interactions in the Sciences (CH 584) is one of the newer online classes offered by the Oregon State University Chemistry Department. This month, we will get to know several of the students who have taken CH 584 in order to advance their education and career goals–

Daniel Sasse took CH 584 in order to complete his certificate of eligibility to teach high school chemistry. He says—

     I have a teaching certificate in biology and general science, and ended up working a temporary position as a high school chemistry teacher for 10 months.  After seeing how hard it is to find openings in the subjects which I am currently certified, I decided to finish my certification in chemistry to open myself to new opportunities. (Soon, I will be)…looking for teaching positions for the coming school year.

Our next Focus student is Brian Tanis, an OSU doctoral student in Integrative Biology. Brian decided to take this class because—

… more universities and students are looking for non-traditional methods for higher education. The course offered a great opportunity to learn about how to best implement science courses, which typically rely on physical laboratories, into a virtual setting without sacrificing any of the information for students. Not only did we cover techniques and tools used within a virtual classroom, but we also covered key concepts in designing courses and the rationale behind developing assignments and activities. This type of knowledge really makes me more marketable to future employers and improves my abilities in the courses I currently teach.

Joann McQuaid, a high school biology teacher with 26 years of experience, took CH 584 in order to qualify as a “highly qualified teacher” in chemistry in her home state of California. She continues—

I have been teaching/education since I graduated college in 1989. I wanted to have two subjects to teach due to the change in the new next gen science standards.

(Taking CH 584) helped me in several ways: I am a single working mom that is taking care of two elderly parents and a teenager in her home. I did not have time to go to classes at night or during the summer. OSU online classes gave me the opportunity to continue to work and take care of my family. My generation wasn’t raised with computers in the classroom however I feel fairly proficient using computer and it was a great fit for me. The learning curve was not challenging and there was always someone to help in less than 24 hours if you needed it. OSU chemistry classes and the CH 584 class were organized in their delivery, syllabus and schedules.

Thank you to these three students for sharing their stories. Watch for a future “Focus on Ecampus” with more information about Brian’s interesting graduate studies.

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