SHOEI Electronic Materials, Inc.

March 23, 2015




Re: Employment Opportunity within Shoei Electronic Materials, Inc.

Job Title: Chemist / Scientist

Location: Eugene, OR (Corvallis, OR temporarily while facilities are being completed)


Job Description:


The person holding this position will be involved in the synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline quantum dots and other types of nanoparticle materials. This effort is focused on accomplishing many objectives, which include: development of high quality (tight FWHM – full width at half maximum value – emission and absorption, high luminescent quantum efficiency) materials while increasing the operational lifetime of these same materials. Also, understanding the ligand shell chemistry and exchange reactions, and the further development of proprietary techniques enabling full-scale production of these same materials.


Specific Tasks include:

  • Synthesis of inorganic semiconductor, metallic and metal oxyfluoro nanoparticles via batch reaction processes and flow cell reactor processes.
  • Characterize materials using UV/VIS techniques to understand their optical properties (FWHM, τNRR and ηeff).
  • Design experiments to optimize the synthetic process to ensure the highest quality nanomaterial are obtained.
  • Diligently record data and observations.
  • Generate intellectual property and ideas.
  • Design nanomaterials that are compatible with customer processes/applications.


Other Job Responsibilities include:

  • Understand customer needs and their applications.
  • Operate safely and to promote safety in a team environment.
  • Stay abreast of current research activities across the world.
  • Generate monthly reports and effectively communicate ideas and results to a broad audience (as well as to a specific, highly technical audience).


Desired Skills and Experience:

  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
  • Education level required: B.S. in Sciences.
    • Preferred:S. in Chemistry, Materials Science or Physics.
  • Years of experience required: this is an entry level position.
  • Understand Schlenk line work and working in atmosphere free conditions (nitrogen glove box).
  • Able to use Microsoft Office suite, including: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
  • Self-sufficient and self-reliant – strong ability to initiate and design experiments.


About the Company:


Shoei Electronic Materials, Inc. (SEMI) is a newly formed, vibrant company that is starting R&D activities in the Willamette Valley (Eugene, OR). SEMI is focused on the use of proprietary production methods to become the premiere supplier of high quality nanocrystalline quantum dot and nanoparticles in a worldwide market. To this end, SEMI is rapidly growing its R&D activities to support nanoparticle synthesis and to support applications in which nanocrystalline quantum dot materials can play a large role.


SEMI is a subsidiary and partner of Shoei Chemical, Inc. (SCI) – a company that engages in the development, manufacture, marketing and sales of metallic nanoparticles for use in the electronics industry as conductive and dielectric pastes and thin films. Additionally, they support activities for the development of catalytic materials.


SEMI is committed to understanding the basic optoelectronic properties of nanocrystalline quantum dot materials – from the physics associated with interactions with various forms of energy, to the chemistry needed to control the size, morphology, optical and electronic properties, to the engineering required to enable utilization of these materials in applications. To this end, we are seeking innovative and energetic people to bring these specialized materials to market and to help breach barriers preventing their utilization to date.




David M. Schut, Ph.D.

Vice President, Research & Development

Shoei Electronic Materials, Inc.

Ph: (541) 713-1325




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