We are pleased to announce there will be another Radiochemistry Fuel Cycle Summer School at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2015.  This is the 6th year of the summer school at UNLV.  The summer school is scheduled for 6 weeks from 15 June 2015 to 24 July 2015, with the dates to be confirmed.  The course topics include radioactive decay, chemistry of radioisotopes, nuclear properties, and nuclear structure, technetium chemistry, actinide chemistry, and the use of radiochemistry in research.  The course has morning lectures and afternoon laboratories, with a number of web-based lectures. Five weeks are devoted to independent laboratory research projects.
Applicants must be U.S. Citizens. Applications are due by April 29, 2015. Twelve students will be selected for participation and notified by May 6, 2015. Rising seniors are preferred, but all applications will be reviewed. Finalization of the summer school is contingent upon funding. Application requires a statement of interest, resume, transcript (unofficial acceptable) and letter of recommendation. This information should be sent to Ms. Wendee Johns (wendee.johns@unlv.edu). Selected students are expected to participate in coursework, research and nuclear facility tours. This Summer School is sponsored by the Department of Energy-Nuclear Energy and organized by the Radiochemistry Program at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Program details and application information are available at: http://radchem.nevada.edu/rfcss.html.

Flyer UNLV Fuel Cycle Summer School 2015

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