Request for Proposals in Support of Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others.*  Open textbooks and course materials are digital in format and made freely available online.   Free and open textbooks and course materials are being developed in many disciplines at a fast and growing rate and are funded by organizations such as the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.  Oregon State University is committed to supporting this endeavor.  To that end, Open Oregon State is a unit that has been created within Extended Campus to assist faculty in the research, use and creation of open educational resources.

Open Oregon State and the office of Summer Session are partnering to pilot a program to encourage the use of open textbooks and other course materials in order to address textbook/course material affordability for our students.

Proposals for the use of open educational textbooks and course materials for use in a face-to-face Corvallis or Hatfield Summer Session course are now being accepted.

Funding for accepted proposals is up to $1,000 per course.

Open Oregon State will assist faculty in finding and evaluating suitable open textbooks and course materials for their Summer Session course.   Summer Session agrees to highlight courses that have adopted OERs at no cost to students.  The faculty member agrees to use the open textbook and/or course materials in their Summer Session course.
In addition, the faculty member agrees to submit a 1-2 page review of the textbook/course materials that were used in the course, addressing the suitability of the materials for use in future courses using these review criteria.  This RFP and the Review Criteria are also attached.

For more information, contact:

Dianna Fisher                                    Claire Cross
Open Oregon State                            OSU Summer Session
541-737-8658                                   541-737-3107

*Defined by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
OOS_Summer RFP 2-19-15

Open Materials Review Criteria 2_13_15

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