On behalf of the Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (I&EC) Division of the American Chemical Society, I want to solicit abstracts for the ACS I&EC Division Graduate Student Award Symposium. This symposium will be featured at the 250th  Boston ACS National Meeting, August 10-14, 2015. I ask that you distribute this announcement to your advanced degree students and their advisors, and encourage those attending this ACS meeting to submit papers and compete for the monetary award and distinction described in the attached flyer. The I&EC Division features programming of great interest to the Chemistry and Chemical Sciences community, and we wish to encourage the professional development of your graduate students.

Every graduate student lead author accepted for this Symposium will be awarded an ACS members meeting registration fee.  All submissions and presentations will be evaluated by a panel selected by the Division. The third place presentation will be awarded an additional $250.  The second place presentation will be awarded an additional $500. The first place presentation will be awarded $750. To be eligible for any award, the presenter must be a student at university, pursuing a graduate degree in the chemical sciences and engineering at the time of the symposium.

More details are given in the enclosed flyer. Again, I request your support in distributing this to your outstanding graduate students. We look forward to highlighting their outstanding work in this new symposium.

Best wishes,

Michael A. Matthews, P.E.                                                       College of Engineering & Computing
Phone/Mobile: 803-777-0556   Fax: 803-777-9597           Assoc. Dean for Research & Graduate Education
Room 3A03A, Swearingen Engineering Center                 Department of Chemical Engineering
University of South Carolina                                                     Professor of Chemical Engineering
Columbia, SC 29208                                                                      Fellow of the American Chemical Society
Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers

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