Attached you will find a booklet and poster announcing the Nuclear Nonproliferation International Safeguards Graduate Fellowship Program (NNIS) for the 2015-2016 Award cycle.

This program is designed to meet the needs of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) for appropriately trained personnel in research and development in areas pertinent to Nuclear Nonproliferation and International Safeguards (NNIS).  Increasing costs for graduate education and a high demand for nuclear-related scientists and engineers with a bachelor’s degree have had a negative impact on the number of well-qualified students seeking advanced degrees in nuclear technologies and sciences.  This problem has been particularly acute in programs in nuclear materials, engineering, nuclear science and engineering, radiochemistry and health physics, which has resulted in the closure of several programs and declining graduate school enrollments over the past two decades. This fellowship seeks to build collaboration between the leading nuclear technology programs and the schools studying the policy aspects of nuclear nonproliferation. The primary emphasis of this fellowship is to produce doctoral graduates who are familiar with both the technical and policy aspects of nonproliferation and international safeguards.

We hope you will print and prominently display the attached poster. Please forward the attached booklet to anyone interested and encourage students to apply for this program.  This program description and all electronic application materials can be found on

NNIS Poster 2015

NNIS 2015 Booklet

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