The University Honors College is now accepting faculty applications to the DeLoach Work Scholarship program for winter and spring terms, 2015. The DeLoach program enables OSU faculty members to support undergraduates working at tasks that enhance students’ academic training by providing a significant learning experience. Strong preference will be given to pro-posals that involve cooperative student-faculty research and clearly relate to the instructional, outreach, or diversity goals of the university.

  • Previously funded projects have included:
  • Developing a physical replica of a bat sonar system and testing implementation as a distance sensor for robots
  • Design improvements in waste treatment methods
  • Assessing the place of exercise education in medical school curriculums
  • Research in the attachment styles, sociability, and problem-solving behavior of pet dogs
  • Reviewing the historical impact of political context on U.S. Supreme Court decisions
  • The development of new media techniques to assist in recruitment of women and minorities into engineering fields

Tenured/tenure-track and senior instructor rank faculty from all colleges are eligible to apply. Other faculty who would like to apply should contact the UHC. All Honors College students are eligible to participate. Awarded funds will be made available to faculty supervisors as payroll for nominated students at a rate of $10/hour. Maximum awards are $1,000 for one- or two-term projects. Nominated students must be eligible to receive payroll as student employees through the term of the award. Funds will be paid through a new or previously existing position in the faculty supervisor’s home unit. In past cycles, review has been high-ly competitive, with fewer than 50% of applications receiving funding.
To apply, faculty supervisors must submit a proposal including the following to by Friday, November 7, 2014 at 5:00 pm:

A one-page statement from the faculty supervisor and endorsed by the unit head, describing the proposed project; how it will support both the student’s training and the faculty member’s research; and its relevance to the university’s instruc-tional, outreach, and/or diversity goals

A one-page statement from the student(s) describing the importance of the proposed project in their education and train-ing and any relevant previous experiences or preparation

The proposed budget and duration of the project and a contact to assist in establishment of student positions
Additional details are available at
Some DeLoach proposals may be supported in whole or in part by the Chambers Environmental Research Fund. Established in 1977 in memory of Richard Chambers, a pioneer in Oregon environmental protection who developed some of the earliest anti-litter legislation, this fund is intended to foster projects or research in applied environmental enhancement and/or conser-vation involving the preservation or betterment of Oregon’s wilderness, natural resources, or quality of life.
The DeLoach Work Scholarship was created through the generosity of Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Barton DeLoach. Dr. DeLoach was an Oregon State faculty member from 1935 to 1949.

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