science-teacher-blank-chalkboard copyChemistry Stores is pleased to announce they are now offering a lab coat laundry service! Yes, that’s right, you no longer need to wander the halls in your generationally coated, highly contaminated lab coat!! You too can have a nice crisp clean lab coat!

Here’s how it works: Bring your lab coat to Chemistry Store, fill out the clipboard and make sure your name is in your lab coat. On October 10th 2014 Chemistry Stores staff will take your coat out to the cleaners and in 2-3 days it will be back fresh and clean!

We will offer this laundry service once per term, around the end of the term. A reminder email will be sent out a couple weeks prior to every laundry service date with instructions.

The exact cost is yet to be determined, However, based on previous terms I estimate the cost will be around $3 or $4.

You have until the end of next week to get your lab coats turned in but don’t wait until the last minute. You don’t want to be “That Guy” in the lab with your dirty lab coat!

Thank you for using Chemistry Stores for all your laboratory needs!

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