Dear grad students,

Join the ChUME (Chemistry Undergraduate Mentorship and Empowerment) Initiative. 

ChUME was founded by six chemistry grad students and one post-doc in Fall 2013. Our mission is to foster professional long-lasting relationships between undergraduate and graduate chemistry students. In addition, we host seminars, socials, and professional development workshops every Term to assist undergraduate chemistry students in their success here at OSU and beyond.

ChUME Grad Student Responsibilities:
  • One hour weekly meeting with all ChUME mentors.
  • Participation in ChUME events.
  • Actively working with a minimum of one undergraduate mentee. 
  • Documenting your mentoring activities (meetings, research advising, etc) with ChUME. 
Benefits for you:
  • You can add an outreach activity to your grant proposals, CVs, resumés, etc.
  • You hone communication skills from one-on-one/group mentoring, and public speaking skills from ChUME events.
Looking for an opportunity to mentor undergraduate chemistry students? ChUME is ready to expand! A brief, rolling application for graduate students mentors can now be found here.
For inquiries, please email us at

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