Open:   September 12, 2014
Closes:  November 21, 2014  (Friday at 5 PM Mountain Standard Time)
The primary funding opportunity notice (FA-FON0015-0001) includes the following 7 task statements:
1.     Fuels mapping for emissions inventories
2.     Smoke hazard warning system
3.     Implications of changing fuels and fire regimes (Alaska, California, Great Basin, Southeast [shown as South on the JFSP Fire Exchange/Consortia map], and the Southwest
4.     Fire ember production
5.     Fire effects on soil heating
6.     Fire weather and decision making: a social and modelling analysis (Note: Investigators should connect model sensitivity analyses with sensitivity analyses of manager’s decisions, including use of social science to assess what fire weather information is needed and used by decision makers.)
7.     Re-measurement: long-term fire effects on vegetation and fuels (Note: 15 or more years post fire)
The Graduate Research Innovation (GRIN) Award has one task statement (FA-FON0015-002).
Proposals must be directly related to the mission and goals of JFSP and must directly address one of the following topics:
·         Climate change and fire (e.g., fire behavior, fire effects, fire regime)
·         Post-fire recovery (e.g., effects of burn severity, treatment effectiveness)
·         Smoke or emissions assessments
·         Fire weather
·         Social issues and fire (e.g., community preparation, transfer and use of science, public perceptions, fire-adapted communities)
Proposals on other GRIN topics will not be reviewed.

Visit and look for Funding Opportunity Notices (FONS) in the upper left rotating panels.
Click on View and apply
For an in-depth examination of both the primary and GRIN funding opportunities, please go to:
Administrative questions should be addressed to Becky Jenison (208) 387 5958 or
Task statement questions should be addressed to John Cissel (208) 387 5349 or
With best regards,
Tim Swedberg
Communications Director
Joint Fire Science Program
Office:  (208) 387 5865
Mobile: (208) 863 0009


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