The Graduate School is offering an intensive workshop to help OSU students prepare competitive applications for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) award.  The workshop will be conducted in two sessions – Session 1 on Thursday, October 2, and Session 2 on Thursday, October 9. Both sessions will be from 5:00 to 7:00 pm – both sessions in Kearney 212.

Session 1 will include a brief overview of the GRFP Program, a panel discussion with current OSU GRFP Fellows and faculty reviewers, and exercises to help students draft their Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statements. Session 2 will include exercises to help students draft their Graduate Research Plan Statement.

Doug Lownsbery, a current NSF-GRFP awardee, will be coordinating the panel and workshop activities.  If you are an NSF-GRFP Faculty Reviewer or have past experience with preparing these NSF-GRFP proposals and would be willing to assist with this workshop, please let us know by sending an email to, no later than 9/8/2014.  

A formal announcement about the workshop will be sent next week to Graduate Program Advisors/Directors and graduate faculty, requesting them to encourage student attendance.

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