National Nuclear Security (NNSA) Graduate Fellowship Program

The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Fellowship Program provides unique hands-on experience to prepare exceptional graduate students to become next-generation leaders in global nuclear security. During the 12-month, full-time, salary-plus-benefits term, Fellows work in policy or technical areas alongside NNSA experts in Washington, D.C. or other NNSA site locations.  Fellows receive specialized training and opportunities for career development and professional networking, while also directly supporting NNSA’s global nuclear security mission in placements that align with their backgrounds and interests.  Fellows will interact with leading researchers in the field while helping shape the vision for future technologies related to detection of nuclear materials and the security of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile. Applicants must be U.S. citizens eligible for a high-level security clearance, and are accepted to, enrolled in, or will be graduating from a master’s or Ph.D. program during the year of application. Desirable academic specializations for the policy track include international relations, security or nonproliferation studies, political science, public administration, economics and related fields.  For the technical track, desirable academic specializations include nuclear physics/ engineering, chemical engineering, radiation health physics, radiochemistry, chemical sciences, applied physics, and related fields. Some positions may also benefit from backgrounds in safety and health, infrastructure and operations management, or finance/accounting.   A combined policy and technical background is highly desirable, and a foreign language is a plus.  Applications typically are accepted beginning in early August through October 21st. Fellowship terms begin the following summer. Visit to learn more and apply.

2 thoughts on “Employment Opportunity for Graduate Students

  1. Hello,

    I plan to study my phd in FES department start from this fall term. But I need a TA/RA-ship to pay for my tuition. Even I study Forestry Ecology, I still have a BS of Chemistry. So I want to know that could I apply this employment opportunity?


  2. Hi Sky-

    The above employment opportunity is not located on the OSU Campus. It was posted to our blog as an advertisement to students about to graduate who may be looking for a job opportunity. You are more than welcome to apply to this job, but please understand, it is in no way connected to the Department of Chemistry or Oregon State University.

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