International Programs at Oregon State University is seeking internationally experienced faculty and staff to serve on the Fulbright Campus Selection Committee. The role of the committee is to:

* Review OSU student/alumni applications in a specific area of expertise (either regional or by academic discipline)

* Conduct interviews

* Assess the feasibility of research proposals

* Evaluate candidates’ suitability for a Fulbright scholarship

* Provide university endorsement for recommended candidates

Fulbright application review and interviews take place annually in September and October and each interview takes about one hour.  Most committee members participate in 1-3 interviews.

This brief survey will help us identify those who are interested in serving on the Fulbright Campus Selection Committee. Committee members in the past have found it very rewarding to meet the Fulbright candidates and provide helpful feedback that may be incorporated into final revisions before the Fulbright national deadline in October. We look forward to hearing from you!

For more information about the U.S. Student Fulbright Program, please visit:

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