OSU Venture Development Fund Deadline:  5PM, July 28, 2014

Funding:  Two paths: (1) Commercialization Projects up to $150k

(2) Innovation Development Projects up to $25k

OSU Venture Development funding is a competitive process open to OSU faculty eligible for principal investigator (PI) status to facilitate development and commercialization of intellectual property (IP) created by OSU faculty and students. Students who wish to apply for a grant must identify an OSU faculty member who will serve as the PI for the student proposal.

Applications through non-OSU faculty or students who have been accepted into the OSU Venture Accelerator will also be accepted. Release of funding to non-OSU faculty or students will be conditional upon approval from the VPR and an agreement providing appropriate future company remuneration.

Complete Request for Proposals is attached. Program details: http://oregonstate.edu/research/occd/osuventurefund

If you have any questions, please contact Jianbo Hu at jianbo.Hu@oregonstate.edu.

OSUVDF RFP Final 2014

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