With summer in full swing, just a friendly reminder about appropriate attire in a laboratory setting.

Departmental Policy on Laboratory Attire and PPE
All those working in Dept. of Chemistry laboratories, including undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral associates, instructors, and PI’s, are required to wear clothing covering them from shoulders to ankles. Footwear must be closed at the toe and heel. Short- sleeved shirts & blouses are acceptable, but not shoulder-less garments (e.g., tank tops). Long pants made of a substantial material are recommended and short trousers or short skirts are not permitted. PPE as posted must also be worn; for most labs within the department this includes safety glasses/goggles (goggles only in teaching labs), gloves, and lab coats. Graduate student TA’s working in teaching laboratories are asked to be particularly mindful of this policy and to follow it themselves and to apply it consistently to undergraduate students in their assigned sections.

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