In order to help meet fiscal year-end deadlines, please do the following ASAP:


  • If you want reimbursed for travel that occurred on or before June 30th, you must submit your reimbursement within in the next couple weeks so we can get it processed before fiscal year-end deadlines. (To ensure it can be processed in time, please make sure you provide the required itinerary, business purpose, documentation, receipts, index to charge, and approval).
    • Remember, travel policy states that “Requests for reimbursement are to be submitted within 60 days after the trip has been completed, but no later than the close of the fiscal year in which the travel occurred.” Don’t miss the chance to get reimbursed by waiting too long to submit your reimbursement!
    • If you have a trip that starts in June but ends in July you can submit that for reimbursement upon your return and it will be processed in July as a FY15 expense.


  • Submit business expense reimbursements ASAP for expenses incurred on or before June 30th .  (To ensure it can be processed in time, please make sure you provide the required business purpose, receipts, other documentation that may be needed, index to charge, and approval).
    • Remember that if you have purchased an item and are requesting reimbursement, the item must be received by June 30th to use FY 14 funds.


  • Submit any invoices to be paid ASAP with departmental approval and the index to charge
  • If you have contractors/consultants and haven’t already done so, please prompt them to submit invoices ASAP for all services performed/goods received by June 30th.


  • If your department has received any checks (even small amounts), get them to us ASAP.  We have to have everything deposited first thing in the morning on June 30th.
  • If your department is owed money by another unit within OSU or by external parties, let us know ASAP so we can get the billing processed and recorded by fiscal year-end deadlines.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us meet fiscal year-end deadlines.  If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Thorsness or your accountant.

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